Cornelius Herstatt

Prof Herstatt has founded the Technology and Innovation Management Department at the Hamburg University of Technology in 1998 and has been the Head of the Department since. The activities of the Department are of utmost importance to the global development of research and innovation, especially in the fields of circular economics, sustainable industry and innovations. Prof Herstatt is the founder of Center for Frugal Innovation and the founding partner of The European Institute for Technology and Innovation Management. Both these institutions had a crucial impact in developing the startup ecosystem of KTU.

Prof Herstatt is a visiting professor at MIT Sloan School of Management, the University of Santa Clara (USA), and higher education institutions in Japan, Australia, India and Africa.

Prof Herstatt’s scientific interest lies in innovation development and industrial innovation research and applied development in Germany, USA, Japan, Indonesia, India, South Africa and other countries.

Title of Honorary Doctor is awarded for the continuous partnership in research and the education of young scientists in the area of technologies and innovation management.