Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas

Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas (Lithuania) was President of the Republic of Lithuania (1993–1998), politician, Prime Minister (2001–2006). Brazauskas was a graduate of the University, Doctor of Science.

A. M. Brazauskas’ rational ideas for economy and his direct participation in their practical realisation during various periods in history had a strong impact on Lithuania’s economic development.

Brazauskas is a signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Vytautas the Great (1998), the Order of the Vytautas the Great with the Golden Chain (2003) and the Independence Medal of Lithuania (2003).

The title of Honorary Doctor was awarded for the following merits to the University:

  • During the soviet occupation era A. M. Brazauskas provided various contributions to the construction of the Faculty of Light Industry, Calculation centre, Mechanical Workshops and other buildings at the Student Campus.
  • In 1987–1988 he made the effort to renew the full-time major studies in construction field (industrial and civil construction). Thanks to his support, the studies of architecture were renewed in Kaunas.
  • A. M. Brazauskas was a regular participant of the conference “Science and Industry” organised by KTU and other partners; the honourable chairman of the conference, who delivered numerous presentations.