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New to Kaunas, KTU? Here’s what to see and do

Important | 2024-10-11

For most students, especially the first year, autumn is a time of fresh start. Many of them leave their home cities and families behind and move to a study city. Kaunas, a city full of history and science, has a lot to offer to its new and old residents. Below are a few places worth exploring over the coming weekends.

1. Take a stroll around Nemunas Island to see Science Island

When the weather is nice, Nemunas Island, housing Žalgiris Arena and swimming pool, and a surrounding park is a great place for a relaxed stroll. In the last year, the island’s urbanistic landscape was completed with the internationally acclaimed architectural composition that will house a first in Lithuania science museum.

It is expected that the Science and Innovation Promotion Centre Science Island will open its doors later this autumn. Visitors will be able to enjoy a permanent exhibition of 140 objects, a modern planetarium, STEAM laboratories, and various cultural and educational activities.

“The mission of Science Island is to spark curiosity and inspire everyone to experiment. It aims to combine academic science with fun and to dispel the myth that fun cannot be valuable. That’s why everyone will be invited to explore, to make mistakes and to rediscover the love of science by trying out innovative methods,” says Aistė Lukaševičiūtė, the Head of the Science and Innovation Promotion Centre Science Island.

Perhaps one of the most unique areas of Science Island will be the innovative laboratories, which are currently being set up by the Kaunas Methodical STEAM Centre and the city’s active university community.

Aistė Lukaševičiūtė, the Head of the Science and Innovation Promotion Centre Science Island

To ensure the smooth development of the STEAM Centre’s activities, three Lithuanian higher education institutions, including KTU, joined forces and signed a cooperation agreement.

“Four laboratories are currently being installed. One of them is a specialised Smart City Lab, which guidelines, vision and methodology have been developed by KTU scientists. In this way, the University has contributed not only to the development of the new laboratory concept but also inspired the whole STEAM Centre to take more interest in research on modern urban engineering, architecture, technology, urban planning and the education of future innovators,” emphasises Lukaševičiūtė.

Science Island, first in Lithuania Science and Innovation Promotion Centre

The common goal of KTU and Science Island is to develop the competencies of the next generation of engineering and technology specialists by attracting them to STEAM disciplines and learning in general. The collaboration aims to show that even the most complex subjects can be explained practically and understandably.

“Students visiting both the standardised and Smart City labs will have the opportunity to get a closer look at STEAM education methodologies and learn more about modern technologies, infrastructure and urban planning innovations. They will also be invited to contribute to projects in the field of education,” says Lukaševičiūtė.

2. Admire UNESCO heritage

Kaunas is not only innovative but also historic. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so many of its buildings are admired by both citizens and visitors. In total, 216 of Kaunas’ most valuable buildings are described in the UNESCO Nomination File.

“This city has a modernist style with art deco elements. A must-see is the Church of the Resurrection, which is probably the only building of that period with a chapel on the roof,” says Vaidas Petrulis, Head of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Centre of the KTU Institute of Architecture and Construction (KTU ASI).

If you are going to visit the church, don’t miss the trip to the roof for breathtaking panorama of Kaunas. Don’t worry, there is an elevator to the top!

Vaidas Petrulis, Head of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Centre of the KTU Institute of Architecture and Construction

Speaking of elevators, Kaunas is the only city, which has inter-was period funiculars. One of them is in Žaliakalnis, another – in Aleksotas. Vytautas the Great War Museum and the National M.K. Čiurlionis Museum are also worth visiting not only for their exhibitions but also for the architecture.

KTU Central Building
KTU Central Building, former Land Bank

“We are glad that four KTU buildings have been included in the UNESCO list – the Historical Chemical Research Laboratory, located at 19 Radvilėnų Road, the KTU Central Building (former Land Bank), located at 73 Donelaičio Str., the Faculty of Economics and Business, located at 50 Donelaičio Str., and the former Ateitininkai Palace, located at 13 Laisvės Avenue,” says Petrulis.

Continuing the topic of interesting buildings, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, located at 37 A. Mickevičiaus Street, built in 1913 former the School of Commerce, is also worth mentioning.

“It is here that the University of Lithuania, which later became Vytautas the Great University, and still later Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, and today KTU, was founded,” adds Petrulis.

3. Visit M-Lab Laboratory Centre

At the end of 2023, M-Lab, an interdisciplinary experimental and prototyping laboratory centre, opened at the KTU student campus. The infrastructure of this exceptional research centre allows for significant development of high-level international research, pooling the core competencies of researchers on the development of new manufacturing processes, materials and technologies, health technologies and biotechnology priorities.

“The Centre’s developed and improved infrastructure, including the latest and most modern research equipment, is effectively adapted to the development of interdisciplinarity, and the main activities are focused on the aim of significantly increasing the scope of cooperation between science and business while creating innovative, high-technology products,” says Dr Lolita Jurkšienė, Head of Business Development of the KTU M-Lab.

Jurksiene KTU
Dr Lolita Jurkšienė, Head of Business Development of the KTU M-Lab

The Centre also houses the Young Lab, a space for young researchers, where KTU students are welcome. One part of this space is adapted to innovative methods of mastering theoretical knowledge, improving collaboration skills, and developing social communication and cooperation. Here, KTU students can acquire practical skills focused on teamwork, fostering creativity, analysing real problems and finding unique solutions.

“Another part of this space is dedicated to the development of practical skills – students can have a hands-on experience of various product prototyping processes using the latest scientific equipment,” says Dr Jurkšienė.

M-Lab is also a place where student teams can come together to develop their technology development and transfer skills and implement realistic and innovative practical solutions without the high cost and time investment.

“The bravest students with innovative ideas will be able to set up start-ups. In this process, they will receive much-needed help from mentors (researchers, business development practitioners) at the early stage of their business activities, and will acquire managerial and technical knowledge,” says Dr Jurkšienė.

KT u M-Lab's green roof, one of the distinctive features of the building

Some of the M-Lab spaces are designed for students who want to have an exceptional learning experience, and at the same time to successfully shape their future career path. The practical experience and competencies acquired will help to ensure a mature preparation for the job market after graduation, regardless of what future activities the student decides to choose – whether to pursue a career as a scientist or to take up highly qualified specialist jobs in business enterprises.

The KTU interdisciplinary experimental and prototyping laboratory centre M-Lab can be found at Studentų g. 63a, Kaunas. To join KTU M-Lab activities, please contact

4. Make sports at KTU Sports and Wellness Centre

Many active leisure options are available in Kaunas. There are plenty of places for various forms of physical activity – longer or shorter walks, a wide variety of cycling routes, and sports grounds in many parts of the city. They can be found both in Panemunė Šilas and on Nemunas Island. KTU also has sports grounds, which are open not only to university staff and students but also to the general public.

“The basketball court, which is open for free to all, is probably the most popular and most visited. The two artificial turf football pitches, which have a lighting system, are most popular in the evenings when teams of friends or colleagues gather to play. The football pitches are available for use by pre-registration. Members of the KTU community can play sports here free of charge, and guests – according to the approved rates,” says Kristina Skučienė, Director of the KTU Student Affairs Department.

Skuciene KTU
Kristina Skučienė, Director of the KTU Student Affairs Department

KTU also has a beach volleyball court. In addition, the 400-metre running track around the stadium is open to everyone without prior registration. There are also sports facilities at or in some KTU dormitories. The sports facilities at the Student Campus are equipped with the newest gym gear. A multifunctional sports bench for exercise and various sports activities has been installed near one of the dormitories (Studentų str. 71) in cooperation with Accenture company.

“The University has two sports halls (in the Faculties of Chemical Technology and Civil Engineering and Architecture) where members of the community and visitors can play basketball, indoor football, badminton, volleyball, cricket or use the climbing wall. As with the football pitches, pre-registration is required to play sports in these gyms, and there is also a fee for guests,” adds Skučienė.

For more information on sports pitches, click here.