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Virtual Graduation Ceremony


The virtual Graduation Ceremony of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) will take place on January 29th, 2021 at 15:00.

Diplomas will be awarded to the 98th Graduating Class of the Faculty of Chemical Technology (CTF), School of Economics and Business (EVF), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design (MIDF), Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (SHMMF), Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (SAF) and the 54th Graduating Class of Panevėžys Faculty of Technology and Business (PTVF).

Diplomas will be issued to graduates on January 28-29th, 2021 at the faculties.

The guests will be able to watch the ceremony on For the graduates, more information will be provided closer to the event.

January 29 d. 15:00

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