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Trip to Open Air Museum of Lithuania


Are you tired of winter and want it to end soon? Come and celebrate with ESN KTU Lithuania’s traditional festival Užgavėnės (Mardi Gras), which is supposed to scare winter away, at Rumšiškės Open Air Museum. Not only you will eat variety of pancakes, see some dances by masked men and women, and play traditional Lithuanian games, but will also get to see the burning f “Morė” – a 15 metres tall doll made of straw and symbolizing winter.

PRICE: 2€ with ISIC/LSP & with ESNcard; 3€ with ISIC/LSP & without ESNcard; 4€ without ISIC/LSP & with ESNcard; 5€ without ISIC/LSP & without ESNcard. We will leave to Rumšiškės with the bus from KTU campus, all together.

Register now:

For more information please visit ESN KTU Facebook page.

February 25 d., 2017 08:30

Lekavičiaus Street 2, Rumšiškės

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