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The centennial of the University of Lithuania event


On February 16, 1922, the first national Lithuanian university was opened in Kaunas. One hundred years later, the largest festive event will be held on the same day, commemorating the centenary of higher education and the significance of Lithuanian universities in the state context.

The viewers of the event can expect an impressive show: artistic performances, short videos introducing the history of the Lithuanian University and the different eras.

Art groups such as choirs, dance ensembles, chamber orchestra, group of wind instruments from all three universities – KTU, VDU, and LSMU – will perform unexpected and modern performances together with popular Lithuanian stage artists such as Monika Liu, Monique, Free Finga, Bjelle, “Baltos varnos”, Martynas Kavaliauskas, Liepa Norkevičienė, Linas Adomaitis, Sandra Lebrikaitė, Gebrasy, group “The Roop”.

❗ The event will be broadcasted live on LRT television and the website The event will take place in the Žalgiris Arena without the audience.

To commemorate the centenary of the University of Lithuania, which served as the foundation for modern higher education institutions, The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declared 2022 the year of Lithuanian universities. The University of Lithuania, founded in Kaunas, 1922, where university studies in Lithuanian were first introduced, has grown into Vytautas Magnus (VMU), Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU). This year, all three universities are collaborating on a special anniversary celebration.

February 16 d., 2022 21:00


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