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The 18th Lithuanian Student Choir Festival


This weekend, 18–20 November the 18th Lithuanian Academic Choir Festival, dedicated to International Student Day will take place in Kaunas. The Festival is being organised by KTU academic choir Jaunystė and Lithuanian National Culture Centre. The Festival will feature concerts from 20 choirs from various higher education schools across Lithuania, around 800 singers from Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Klaipėda and other cities.

For the full programme (in Lithuanian), please click here.

All the Festival events are free of charge, with the exception of the final concert. The tickets to the final concert (EUR 4) can be purchased at The Kaunas National Drama Theatre ticket office or online, on Tiketa.


November 18 d., 2016 15:00 - November 20 d., 2016 16:00


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