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Are you an innovator or a team? Do you have a prototype and are willing to showcase it to potential investors? Are you ready to surprise the world with your ideas?

Start from KTU innovation fair: register to participate at Technorama’22 – offline and virtual innovation exhibition, which will take place on May 26, 2022.

Registration is open until Monday, May 9.

Technorama is one of the oldest and largest innovation fairs in Lithuania, organised by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) since 2001. Annually, Technorama attracts over 60 scientists from different universities and over 2,000 visitors. This May, the innovation fair will be organised both at KTU Santaka Valley and in virtual space.

TECHNORAMA’22 physical exhibition and festive winners awards will take place on May 26th, from 10 am to 4 pm, in KTU Santaka Valley, K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas

More information:

Why participate?

May 26 d. 10:00

KTU Santaka Valley

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