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Stage play. Biography: A Play Acting


Max Frisch

Biography: A Play Acting

Director Gintaras Varnas

Biography: A Play Acting is a play in which the inevitability of destiny, variations of personal choices and a utopic desire to change a biography of a personal life are analysed. The surrealistic opportunity to realize life as a play on the stage and to change unpleasant or failed situations – what would happen if the Butterfly effect was real? This play features absurd elements that exist in plays of F. Kafka’s The Trial where personal choices become an illusion because Destiny, God, Recorder always stands behind your back and cynically evaluates the life of a person as one more case in the Universe. A person who knows his destiny for 7 years ahead still makes particular mistakes, so the critical Human error is inevitable.

With English surtitles. Translation provided by the students of teachers of KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

Duration –  2.30

The Main Hall

More information:

October 12 d. 18:00

Kaunas National Drama Theatre

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