S. Shukhratov “Investigation and development of bicomponent cotton-silk yarns with silk component from silk waste” doctoral dissertation defense

Thesis defense

Author, Institution: Sharof Shukhratov, Kaunas University of Technology

Science area, field of science: Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Milašius (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008)

Dissertation Defence Board of Materials Engineering Science Field:
Prof. Dr. Daiva Mikučionienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008) – chairperson
Prof. Hab. Dr. Marcin Barburski (Lodz University of Technology, Poland, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurgita Domskienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008)
Dr. Viktoras Grigaliūnas (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008)
Prof. Hab. Dr. Malgorzata Matusiak (Lodz University of Technology, Poland, Technological Sciences, Materials Engineering, T008)


Dissertation defence meeting will be at the Meeting room at Santaka Valley of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Baršausko 59 – A228, Kaunas)


The doctoral dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology  (K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas)


Annotation: The aim of the research is to develop high-quality bicomponent yarns by adding fibrous waste from silk spinning mills to cotton fiber and improve the spinning technology by mixing cotton fiber and silk from the secondary fiber waste.

Based on the study of physical and mechanical properties of yarn, as a result of mixing recycled silk waste into cotton fiber, it was proved that cotton-silk yarn has higher technological properties, ie strength and elongation at break than yarn spun from pure cotton fiber. The application of advanced technology for the production of mixed fiber spun yarns allows for the efficient and full use of recycled fiber waste from silk in the textile industry. A new mathematical model that determines the deformation of the yarn under the action of tensile force and torque, taking into account the variability and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the yarn, using the theory of elasticity, was developed, and new kinds of yarns from cotton and silk waste fibers were manufactured by them.

All determined differences in bicomponent yarn show that the structure of yarn plays the main role in the mechanical and physical characteristics of any type of yarns. Higher parallel location fibers in the yarn gives more strength in break, elongation in break. Using mixed fibers, especially silk waste fibers, gives more strength and better properties. The usage of silk waste fibers gives positive influence on the sustainability and circular economy as well as properties and economic benefit.

April 25 d. 10:00

Meeting room at Santaka Valley of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Baršausko 59 – A228, Kaunas)

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