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Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application


The Students‘ Conference “Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application”, organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, and students‘ union FUMSA, invites students of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology science to present their scientific research or final bachelor thesis. The event is orientated in students from universities, colleges and abroad countries, who want to participate, aspire to reveal their knowledge, interests or find new ideas.

The conference “Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application” has been organized since 1996. The author of the idea was professor A. Aksomaitis. Professor and some students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences turned the idea into reality. It wouldn’t be possible without Kaunas University of Technology, The Association of Lithuanian Mathematicians, Student’s organization FUMSA and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences which take an active part in organizing the Conference annually. The aim of the conference “Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application” is to encourage students interest in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, collaborate with students from different universities, colleges and countries and initiate a discussion about the problems of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and other Natural Sciences.

For more information, please visit the Conference website:

May 6 d. 09:00

KTU Santaka Valley

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