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Littelfuse Open Door Days 2015


You are welcome to attend Littelfuse Open Door Days dedicated to Research and Development Department.

During the event you will have the opportunity:

  • To gain knowledge about the R&D department and to talk to its management
  • To take part in the tour around our manufacturing workshops and laboratories
  • To participate in the discussion „Successful engineer‘s career in an international company“ together with our HR Manager Lithuania and Talent Manager Europe Kristina Keršienė, PhD, and one of our young engineers who is going to tell you more about his career path
  • To know more about our Internship programme: the opportunities, conditions, etc.

Open Door days programme:

10 – 11 am Introduction of Littelfuse Research and Development Department

11 – 12 pm Discussion „Successful engineer‘s career in an International company“ (if you are interested in how to become a successful engineer in the job market and how to compete with others, please register for this discussion in advance. Places are limited.)

12 – 1 pm The tour in our manufacturing workshops and laboratories 

Please register for this event in advance until the 30th March, 2015 by sending an email and please note which department introduction session you are interested in.

April 8 d., 2015 07:00

Savanoriu ave. 271, Kaunas

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