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Letters to the Vegetarian Son – presentation on the book by Dario Martinelli


On the 14th of September, at 6 PM at the book store Knygų ministerija, the publishing house “Kitos knygos” will present the new book “Letters to the Vegetarian Son” written by Italian writer, semiotician Dario Martinelli, who lives in Lithuania.
Participants: Italian writer, semiotician Professor Dario Martinelli, book blogger Nora Sudarytė, moderator – political scientist, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology Ainius Lašas.
Dario and his wife Lina raise their son in the spirit of animal respect and they have excluded meat from his menu. This book is a letter from a loving father to his son about the importance of everyday choices and an explanation of such principles of child upbringing. As a vegetarian of over 20 years, Martinelli does not separate animals we love from animals we eat, but he is not fanatic and does not condemn meat eaters.
An extract of the book will be read, followed by discussion concerning the topics covered in the book. The discussion will allow to look at vegetarianism from different points of view: moral, philosophical, as well as merely the choice of nutrition. The audience will also be able to listen to some live music. 
The event will be held in English.
During the event the publishing house “Kitos knygos” will sell “Letters to the Vegetarian Son” with a discount.

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September 14 d., 2017 15:00

Knygų ministerija (Laisvės Avenue 29)

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