KTU FMNS Research seminar “Decentralized Ecosystems for IoT Security and Lifecycle Management”


We invite you to Dr. Kapil Singh (IBM, New York) talk “Decentralized Ecosystems for IoT Security and Lifecycle Management”.

The seminar will take place online on 26th October (Tuesday) at 5.30 PM.

Please join via  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85842147879?pwd=NWsxVnBac3padDA0U2wvSndsMnNUdz09 (meeting ID: 858 4214 7879, passcode: 920817).


The exponential growth of connected IoT devices controlling critical pieces of infrastructure poses new problems in security and lifecycle management. This rapid evolution of the IoT landscape with devices ranging from smart homes to smart automobiles poses new challenges for device lifecycle and security management: large density of inter-connected devices, heterogeneity of devices and control models, and a complexity of the trust domains involved in the IoT ecosystem. Our work develops a novel architecture for secure device lifecycle management using a decentralized management and control overlay network based on blockchain. This coupled with new device capabilities such as software and hardware based TPMs provides an efficient end-to-end security and management solution for IoT deployment.


Kapil Singh is a Principal Scientist in Security Research at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY. In his role as a security researcher and technical lead, he often experiments with disruptive technologies, such as zero trust and blockchain, to drive innovative security solutions and use cases. He currently leads IBM Research’s world-wide strategy on data security and privacy. In the past, he has lead government-sponsored research program on IoT security as the PI. Over the years, he has addressed important research and technical problems in multiple areas of computer security, including identity, policy compliance, IoT, mobile, web and systems security. His work has resulted in 30+ publications at reputable conference venues, and 25+ granted or filed patents. Dr. Singh is an active member of the scientific community, and has served on several program committees in various roles, including chairing multiple committees. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. More details can be found on his webpage at https://ibm.biz/kapil-singh

October 26 d. 17:30

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