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K. Petrauskienė “Assessment of electric, hybrid and conventional passenger cars using a life cycle approach” doctoral dissertation defense

Thesis defense

Author, Institution: Kamilė Petrauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology

Science area, field of science: Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. dr. Jolanta Dvarionienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004)

Dissertation Defense Board of Environmental Engineering Science Field:
Prof. Dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004) – chairperson
Dr. Carmelina Cosmi (The Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) originated within the CNR – National Research Council of Italy, Italy, Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004)
Prof. Dr. Jolita Kruopienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004)
Prof. Dr. Laurencas Raslavičius (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Transport Engineering, T003)
Prof. Dr. Egidijus Šarauskis (Vytautas Magnus University, Technological Sciences, Environmental Engineering, T004)


Dissertation defense meeting will be at Rectorate Hall of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio 73 – 402, Kaunas)



The doctoral dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology (Gedimino 50, Kaunas)


Annotation: The electrification of transport and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in city transport systems have become one of the priority areas in Lithuania and the European Union in the fight against climate change, noise, and air pollution. One of the main studies of the thesis focused on the life cycle-based assessment of the environmental impacts of passenger cars with different engines in the production, use, and waste management phases. The research concentrated on the environmental analysis of an electric vehicle in the use phase, where the electricity used to charge the battery is produced under different fuel and energy mix scenarios, which have been projected for the period 2015–2050, based on the objectives of the National Energy Independence Strategy. The research provides insights for city transport and policy planners and experts in different countries on the transition from fossil fuels to RES-based vehicles. The insights from the research can lead to further development of the integration of electric vehicles, to increase public interest in less polluting vehicles, and to develop charging infrastructure in the country. The studies have confirmed the importance of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) management and their potential for environmental performance and economic growth through the development of circular economy principles. The insights from the study can encourage policy makers and other stakeholders to improve policies and strengthen support for the management of ELVs, which would contribute to increased economic, environmental, and social benefits.

September 7 d. 10:00

Rectorate Hall of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio 73 - 402, Kaunas)

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