Author, Institution: Kazimieras Bagdonas, Kaunas University of Technology
Science area, field of science: Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Algimantas Venčkauskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Technology sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007)
Dissertation Defence Board of Informatics Engineering Science Field:
Prof. Dr. Rimantas Butleris (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007) – chairperson
Prof. Dr. Nikolaj Goranin (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007)
Prof. Dr. Egidijus Kazanavičius (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simona Ramanauskaitė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007)
Dr. Anton Rassolkin (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering, T007)
The dissertation defence was at the Meeting room at Santaka Valley of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Baršausko 59 – A228, Kaunas).
The doctoral dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas).
The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) networks is promising to allow billions of devices to be connected in wireless ad hoc networks. The IoT architecture consists of low power and low computing devices, and is further constrained by the limited bandwidth, thus cybersecurity solutions for IoT have to be designed and grounded with these limitations in mind. In this thesis, we present a multimodal security system for IoT communication which shall integrate secure data streaming, a distributed software based localization algorithm and power management control system for it, together with a novel multimodal localization data integration solution for object identification and authentication. Due to the IoT limitations, a set of methods have been developed in order to obtain the desired results. Round Trip Time ranging measurements are used in a distributed localization algorithm for ad hoc networks that allows partial convergence of the network in order to generate localization solutions. A Hybrid Control System is developed to manage power. A MAST based identification and authentication method that is able to employ the geolocation and combines it with an asymmetric encryption. Finally, a lightweight secure streaming protocol for IoT is presented. The combination of these solutions creates a multimodal security system for internet of things communications.
September 1 d. 14:00
Meeting room at Santaka Valley of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Baršausko 59 – A228, Kaunas)
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