Author, Institution: Jonas Muleravičius, Kaunas University of Technology
Science area, field of science: Natural Sciences, Informatics N 009
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eligijus Sakalauskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural
Sciences, Informatics, N 009)
Dissertation Defence Board of Informatics Science Field:
Prof. Dr. Habil. Rimantas Barauskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Informatics, N 009) – chairman;
Prof. Dr. Vacius Jusas (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Informatics, N 009),
Prof. Dr. Tomas Krilavičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Natural Sciences, Informatics, N 009),
Prof. Dr. Manuel Ladra (Santiago de Kompostela University, Spain, Natural Sciences, Informatics, N 009),
Prof. Dr. Gintaras Palubeckis (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Informatics, N 009).
The doctoral dissertation is available at the libraries of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas), Vytautas Magnus University (K. Donelaičio g. 52, Kaunas) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Saulėtekio al. 14, 10223 Vilnius) .
In this fast-paced era of technology, when all the information moves into the technology, it also affects money. Electronic money is already widely used and is gaining popularity in many countries. But where there is technology, security should be taken into account. Cryptography, a branch of mathematics is concerned with information security.
Cryptography covers four main tasks: data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication of data source and user authorization.
The dissertation is an integrative work of cryptographic protocols that are reasonably secure and effectively implemented on mobile devices. Based on these concepts, scientific novelty was achieved. The electronic money system developed in the dissertation does not increase the amount of data during transfers when the anonymity between the Bank and the Purchaser is removed. Such a system also retains its main properties: offline payments, money transferability, the Purchaser’s anonymity from the Vendor, and prevention of double spending, traceability and security.
The thesis demonstrates that the new electronic money system is secure, trustworthy and efficient. In order to prove it, world recognized methods are used.
November 22 d. 09:00
Rectorate Hall, Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio g. 73, 402, Kaunas)
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