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International Webinar of Sustainable Cities for Zero Hunger


Institute of Environmental Engineering invites everyone to join the International Webinar of Sustainable Cities for Zero Hunger hosted by prof. dr. Zaneta Stasiskiene

At least 55 per cent of the world’s population already lives in urban areas – a proportion expected to increase to at least 65 per cent by 2050- and with nearly 80 per cent of all food produced globally now consumed in urban areas. Food systems will play a central role in delivering the UN Sustainable Development Agenda (2015). Until recently, urban planners have paid little attention to food systems, emphasising ‘traditional’ urban priorities such as public transportation and decent housing. However, since the beginning of the current millennium, major national associations of urban planners have started to notice this scarce attention to food, which, ironically, was the magnet for creative city planning just a couple of centuries ago.

During the lecture, the challenges of urbanization to ensure accessible, affordable food, while keeping a healthy diet, and preserving natural resources and biodiversity will be discussed.

About the host: Zaneta Stasiskiene, Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology. Her main research areas are sustainable industrial development, systems and processes of sustainability assessment, environmental economics, development and evaluation of strategic and preventive environmental innovations, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Date: May 11, 2020

Time: 5.00 pm (Lithuanian time)

Language: English

Link to the Webinar on ZOOM:

May 11 d. 17:00

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