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International Student Hackathon II


Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), in collaboration with the University of Vaasa (Finland), and Chambers of Crafts from Germany and Austria, is implementing the international project DEI4SME. This project is part of the Erasmus+ initiative, funded by the European Union, with the goal of bringing together science and the business sector for a shared mission – addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges in SMEs, developing educational materials, and creating digital tools to promote DEI implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises.

One of the key events of this project is the International Student Hackathon II, where representatives from academia and business join forces to achieve common goals. DEI4SME Hackathon II was launched on March 14, 2025, attracting significant interest – 126 students from 19 countries and 21 universities registered for the event, while 12 companies from Lithuania and Germany provided real-world challenges, including WIX, OVC Consulting, IHK-Projektgesellschaft, brandU, Fit Club Wusterhausen, BOHLIG Autohaus GmbH, Valent Hausverwaltung & Immobilien, LTM Garments, MELP, ReloKon, and others. The KTU EDU_Lab team is guiding hackathon participants through the Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) process.

The two-week hackathon will culminate in the Grand Finale event on March 28, 2025, held at the modern KTU Library (Studentų str. 48, Kaunas) and online. Guests will be welcomed by KTU Rector Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Valatka and Dr. Jurgita Butkevičienė, DEI4SME Project Manager in Lithuania.

Career opportunities and personal development strategies will be presented by Giedrė Vaitiekūnaitė, CEO of HR Hint Online and Partner at OVC Consulting, in her talk “Kickstarting Your Career: You Are OK Already”. The topic of gender stereotypes in society will be explored by Dr. Evelina Nevardauskaitė Rudzikienė, a specialist in endobiogenics, in her presentation “Run Like a Girl: Breaking Stereotypes for Men and Women”.

A discussion on DEI best practices, success stories, and key lessons learned will take place, moderated by Dr. Gerda Žigienė, KTU Professor and LAVA Board Member. Experts sharing their experiences on implementing DEI in organizations will include Julija Markeliūnė (DEI Lead at Telia Lithuania), Arvydas Meskelis (Vice President at Moody’s Corporation, Board Member at Lithuanian Diversity Charter), Karl Daniel Klee (CEO of EDUNAUK, expert at IHK-Projektgesellschaft Ostbrandenburg, Germany), and Dr. Emil Velinov (Associate Professor at DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany; Newton University, Czech Republic).

The hackathon will culminate with student innovation presentations and an awards ceremony. The best solutions will be evaluated by a distinguished jury composed of business, academia, and NGO representatives, while the winners will be announced by Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation Agila Barzdienė and KTU EVF Dean Dr. Kęstutis Duoba. The event is proudly supported by WIX, Telia Lietuva, Avilio istorijos and Skaylink who sponsor valuable prizes for hackathon participants.

We invite everyone interested in diversity, inclusion, and equity, as well as those seeking to implement and promote such initiatives in organisations and communities, to attend this unique event.

Register for the event here:

Find the detailed closing event program here:

More information about the DEI4SME project is available on the official website and social media:

March 28 d. 10:30

KTU Library, Studentų str. 48, Kaunas

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