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International dinner


Are you ready to get cooking? International dinner is back! 

International dinner means all the countries that we have here at KTU present their national dishes and drinks (*no alcohol!*) So gather up with your fellow people, Skype your mum for cooking tips and fire up that stove! Don’t forget decorations for your table: flags, tablecloths – use your imagination! There will be a vote for the best dishes at the end of the dinner – the winner country gets a tasty prize to share. Also, please be considerate and list the ingredients of your dishes with notes on your table for various allergies and eating habits.

1. No alcohol
2. Cook the dishes at home
3. List ingredients next to the dish on the table
4. Don’t eat before it!

February 19 d., 2015 17:00

KTU Elektronikos rūmai (Studentų g. 50)

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