Intensive Nuclear Engineering Seminars from Japanese Experts

Seminar series

21–22 November Hitachi Nuclear Intensive Seminar will take place at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The course is being organised by Hitachi together with KTU.

This Nuclear Intensive Seminar will focus on advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) safety and engineering solutions. The Course will be delivered by Tokyo Institute of Technology professor and the nuclear energy professionals from the modern technology company Hitachi.

If you wish to take part at the Course please register here:

For more information please contact Benas Urbonavičius via emai:


November 21 d., 2016 07:00 - November 22 d., 2016 14:30

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Studentu str. 50)

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