Innovation Drift


On 3–4 September international forum Innovation Drift at Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO will take place. Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Rector Petras Baršauskas, professor Rimantas Venskutonis of KTU’s faculty of Chemical Technology, Food Science and Technology department, professor Sigitas Tamulevičius, Head of KTU’s Materials Science Institute are among distinguished speakers of the Forum.

Constant, relentless innovation drives economic growth, helps to solve global problems and create well-being. Vilnius Innovation Forum (VIF) was established to provide a platform to think about innovation, to discuss it, to share best practices and ideas on how to innovate better and by doing that build more competitive, more vibrant Europe.

The Forum invites small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, innovation leaders and experts, researchers, policy makers from the EU and beyond to share their insights, expertise and experience on innovation.

Click here for more information on the event.

September 3 d., 2015 06:00 - September 4 d., 2015 14:00

Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre „Litexpo“ (Laisvės Ave 5, Vilnius)

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