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Global Studies and Careers: Challenges for Career Guidance at European Universities

Seminar series

Kaunas University of Technology is organising its second International Staff Week.

The main idea of the event is to raise awareness on the mission of Career Centre in preparing local and international students for global career and studies. The modern labour market is without borders thus, the students are facing challenges in adapting their career goals to different geographical, cultural, economic and social contexts.

During the week we will focus on the issues of:

  • How university Career Centres can support international students?
  • What are the best practice examples for career guidance in the context of global mobility?
  • What are the challenges for universities and students in the era of global careers?

The workshops will take place in the newly established KTU National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. Participants will have a possibility to explore university campus and meet the students.

Click here for the full programme of the event.


September 21 d., 2015 06:00 - September 24 d., 2015 16:00

Kaunas University of Technology

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