“Assessment of country’s competitiveness through the aspect of entrepreneurship”

Thesis defense

Author, institution: Sigita Neverauskaitė, Kaunas University of Technology

Science area, field: Social sciences, Economics (04S)

The Doctoral Dissertation is available at the libraries of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio st. 20, 44239 Kaunas, Lithuania), Klaipėda University (K.Donelaičio a. 3, 92144 Klaipėda) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (Breslaujos st. 3, 44403 Kaunas).

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vytautas SNIEŠKA, Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics.

Dissertation Defence Board of Economics Science Field:

Prof. Dr. Gražina STARTIENĖ, Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics – chairwoman;

Prof. Dr. Valentinas NAVICKAS, Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics;

Prof. Dr. Vaida PILINKIENĖ, Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics;

Prof. Dr. Jelena STANKEVIČIENĖ, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics;

Prof. Dr. Maija ŠŠENFELDE, Riga Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics.


Despite endeavours of scientists to endeavours to analyse and assess entrepreneurship and competitiveness interaction in different contexts, there is a lack of methodologically based systemic attitude towards entrepreneurship as important stimulating factor of country‘s competitiveness. Scientific problem of the study is being formed: how to assess country‘s competitiveness through the aspect of entrepreneurship in country‘s economy strategy aspect. The aim of the scientific research is to create a conceptual model of assessment of country‘s competitiveness in aspect of entreperneurship and to verify it empirically. The first part of the dissertation study strives to reveal a discourse of complexity of entrepreneurship concepts and variety of entrepreneurship assessment concepts, presents competitiveness concept and genesis, paradigm of factors determining competitiveness, analyses approaches of scientific assessment of competitiveness. The second part of the study is intended for conceptualization of country‘s competitiveness through the aspect of entrepreneurship assessment’s conceptual model. Prepared conceptual model of assessment of country‘s competitiveness through the aspect of entrepreneurship allows modelling of country‘s economy competitiveness strategies through technical-technological, economic and social processes integrating of challenges of country‘s progress. The third part of the dissertation, performs empirical research of conceptual model of prepared country‘s competitiveness through the aspect of entrepreneurship assessment in the context of countries of Baltic region, analyses and assesses results of obtained empirical results.

October 7 d., 2016 11:00

Dissertation Defence Hall (K. Donelaičio St. 73-403 room)

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