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Artificial intelligence in healthcare: it‘s not a future, it‘s a present


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Gruodžio 9 d. 16:00 kviečiame į online renginį „Artificial intelligence in healthcare: it‘s not a future, it‘s a present“.

Online renginio metu kalbėsime, kokias galimybes dirbtinio intelekto panaudojimas sveikatos srityje atveria visuomenei, pacientams, gydytojams, verslams. Pateikiant praktinę įmonių patirtį, diskutuosime, ko Lietuvos įmonės gali pasimokyti iš JAV.

Pranešimą skaitys Vilma Khmaladze, CEO of Corner Case Technologies. Diskusiją moderuos: KTU Ekonomikos ir verslo fakulteto docentė Rita Jucevičienė ir profesorė Monika Petraitė.

Renginys bus transliuojamas Kauno technologijos universiteto Facebook puslapyje.

Renginys vyks anglų kalba.


The webinar „Artificial intelligence in healthcare: it‘s not a future, it‘s a present“ will take place on December 9, 2020 at 4 PM.

We will talk about the opportunities artificial intelligence opens up for the public, patients, doctors, and businesses. Presenting the practical experience of companies, we will discuss what Lithuanian companies can learn from the USA.

The speakerVilma Khmaladze. Mrs Khmaladze is CEO of Corner Case Technologies, Managing Partner of Openix Solutions, graduated from Harvard Business School in 2020. Thanks to her diverse experience, she is recognized for her participation in what is known as the knowledge triangle: business, Information Technologies and Digit Health innovations. During her professional career she has been appointed to the boards of innovations and often serves as a board or jury member on project evaluation committees, steering committees and start-up pitch battles.

The discussion will be moderated by the assoc. prof. Rita Jucevičienė and prof. Monika Petraitė (KTU School of Economics and Business).

The webinar will be broadcast on the Facebook page of Kaunas University of Technology.

The webinar will be held in English.

December 9 d., 2020 16:00 - 17:00

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