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A. Jegorovė “Synthesis and properties of fluorenyl- and carbazolylchromophores-containing organic semiconductors for perovskite and antimony sulfide solar cells” doctoral dissertation defence

Thesis defense

Author, Institution: Aistė Jegorovė, Kaunas University of Technology

Science area, field of science: Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003

Research supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vytautas Getautis (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003)

Research consultant: Senior Researcher dr. Marytė Daškevičienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003)

Dissertation Defence Board of Chemistry Science Field:
Prof. Dr. Eglė Arbačiauskienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003) – chairperson
Prof. Dr. Saulius Grigalevičius (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003)
Prof. Dr. Vytas Martynaitis (Kaunas University of Technology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003)
Prof. Dr. Edvinas Orentas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, N003)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Rousseau (Artois University, France, Technological Sciences, Chemical Engineering, T 005)


Dissertation defence meeting will be at Rectorate Hall of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio 73-402, Kaunas)


The doctoral dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology (Gedimino 50, Kaunas) and on the internet: A. Jegorovė el. dissertation (PDF)


Annotation: The Sun is the most powerful  energy source available to humankind. For over 70 years, the solar cells (SC) technology has enabled consumers to produce energy in sustainable ways. Currently, Silicon solar cells are the most popular option. Nevertheless, their production is difficult. To address these issues, scientists are exploring alternative options including hybrid SC made from organic and inorganic materials. One promising technology is perovskite SC (PSC) which have the potential to reduce the cost of solar energy. PSC development began in 2009, and this technology has already achieved more than 26 % efficiency. Regardless, challenges remain which hinders commercialization, e. g., utilizing expensive organic semiconductors. Scientists are working on developing cheaper alternatives. Along with perovskite SC, other types of devices have also been developed. The efficiencies of Sb2S3 SC are lower than those of perovskite devices; nevertheless, the stability of the absorbing layer is higher. The efficiency of these cells can be increased by using Spiro-OMeTAD or P3HT as HTM. In spite of that, these materials are not highly suitable for Sb2S3 SC due to their high cost and ‘parasitic’ absorption. This thesis presents six groups of materials containing fluorenyl and carbazolyl chromophores, exploring their influence on thermal, optical, and photoelectrical properties. Finally, new organic semiconductors were applied to the construction of perovskite and antimony sulfide solar cells, in many cases achieving better stability of the devices. Moreover, utilizing compounds with one fluorenyl chromophore and one or two thiophene moieties in antimony sulfide solar cell led to higher efficiency compared to that of benchmark P3HT.

April 25 d. 10:00

Rectorate Hall at Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio 73-402, Kaunas)

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