8th International PhD Summer School

Seminar series

Kaunas University of Technology organises 8th PhD Summer School that will take place on 3-7 June, 2024 in a seaside resort city Palanga. PhD Summer School focuses on development of key competences required for achieving best results in successful defense of the doctoral dissertation and identifying further research directions.

Topics of KTU PhD Summer Schools include:

Open science and it‘s phenomena,
What to do when you’ve got too much to do,
Communicating your (scientific) ideas – Meeting with the editor,
Developing transferable skills during the PhD as key to career success and employability,
Make your conference speech sound more like a TED Talk.

More information: https://summerschool.ktu.edu/


June 3 d. - June 7 d.

Hotel “Gabija”, Vytauto street 40, Palanga

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