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ECIU University days 2020 at KTU: Challenges Worthy of Higher Education


Does the diploma have its own period of validity? How will the Alpha generation, VR and digital technologies change higher education? What kind of university do we want to see in the future?

ECIU University days 2020 at KTU – event organised to raise awareness about the initiative with the academic community, key external partners such as companies, societal partners, and governmental organisations. We hope that this event will become an annual tradition.

This year’s event theme is “Challenges Worthy of Higher Education”. More attention will be paid to innovations in digitisation and advanced technologies, as well as to the issues of sustainable economic development and the impact on higher education. The online conference will also address the characteristics and the needs of current and future students. Finally, participants will discuss the possible directions for development of the university to meet changing needs.

Language of the event: Lithuanian

The broadcast of the event will be available on Slido platform:


10:00 – 10:05 Welcoming speech – KTU Vice Rector for Studies Jonas Čeponis
10:05 – 10:15 “ECIU University Vision” – Sander Lotze, Project Director, ECIU University (announcement in English)
10:15 – 10:30 “A Look at the European Horizon: Green and Digital Transformation“ – Arnoldas Pranckevičius, Head of the European Commission Embassy in Lithuania
10:35 – 10:50 “Learning Design: for Education today and for Lifelong Learning” – Eglė Vinauskaitė, digital learning strategist
10:55 – 11:10 Start-ups at university: we learn by creating innovations ourselves” – Vladas Lašas, Chairman of the Board of the Lithuanian Business Angels Network (LitBAN.LT)
11:15 – 11:30 “Science Island. How to raise an explorer?“ – Aistė Lukaševičiūtė, Head of Investment and Projects Department of Kaunas City Municipality
11:35 – 11:50 “Generation Z is the present of a university. What’s next?” – Vydūnas Trapinskas, Invest in Lithuania Investment environment expert
11:55 – 12:10 Break
12:10 – 13:10 Discussion “European University Challenging Conventional Thinking”. Moderator: Ainius Lašas, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at KTU. Participants:
  1. Andrius Zalitis – Adviser to the Minister for Education, Science and Sport
  2. Vydūnas Trapinskas – “Invest in Lithuania” Investment environment expert responsible for education and talent
  3. Saulė Mačiukaitė- Žvinienė – Chair of the Lithuanian Education Council, Deputy of the CERN-Lithuania Committee
  4. Vladas Lašas – Chairman of the Board of the Lithuanian Business Angels Network (LitBAN.LT)
  5. Audronė Telešienė – Professor of Sociology at Kaunas University of Technology

December 4 d.

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