University history, vision, strategy and attributes is available here.
Welcome to KTU! We are happy to have you as a member of our big and friendly community.
To make your life easier and your adaptation more successful, we have prepared Employee Guide.
It provides all the important information. We hope this guide will assist you while taking the first steps at the University, as well it will be useful to those who have been members of our community for a while.
University history, vision, strategy and attributes is available here.
For more information regarding the legal status in Lithuania and order of the mediation letter, please contact International Relations Department International Studies Office
• Meet your colleagues
• Get acquainted with your job description
• Settle down at your working place:
Each employee is provided with the University’s IT user account: login name (for example, namesurn) and password. You can learn your IT user login name when you register in KTU IT user registration system here (choose EN version). Here, you will choose your password.
You will be able to register in KTU IT user registration system on the next day, when your data will be processed in the Subsystem of the Human Resources.
If you have problems or questions regarding the registration, write to
Login data are valid for access to the University’s information systems and IT services:
– Email (for assistance, apply to your direct manager who will help to login).
– Document and Process Management System (DPVS is the University’s internal document management system used for the monitoring, storage and management of the work with internal documentation).
– Academic Information System (AIS)
– Virtual learning environment MOODLE.
– Virtual Private Network services (VPN is used for the remote work from home)*.
– Wi-Fi (connect to KTU Wi-Fi using a secure network eduroam).
– Information systems of the Library here (for the information search and provision of results, various electronic services of the Library).
– The employee’s personal card (the card reflects the related information, activities, achievements, etc.). For assistance, apply to your direct manager.
– Classrooms and computerised working places at the Library (login from the computers of the Library or classrooms).
– Printers at the University.
* Some systems used at KTU (for example, DVS or DPVS) are only accessible via a secure connection. Therefore, you can access them from your personal computer only after to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can do it by visiting the website of Electronic Services for KTU community. We recommend performing all the steps listed on the website in your “Chrome” or “Firefox” internet browsers.
IMPORTANT! Information about all the University’s information systems, the provided IT services, as well as various instructions and descriptions for users are available in DPVS.
Each employee has to use the email address with his / her name. All the information related to the employee’s employment relationships and functions is sent or received via the email address provided by the University. All the information received via email is considered official notification.
While not at their working place, the employees can connect to their email via > for employees > email for employees. (For assistance, apply to your direct manager).
IMPORTANT! Your direct manager will introduce the rules of email communication among KTU employees.
At the discretion of the manager and depending on the nature of the work the employee is given a fixed (office in which they work) or mobile phone number.
Employees are assigned phone numbers by filling out the required application form here.
If an employee needs and it is possible according to the capabilities of the department’s parking lot (size and vacancies at the parking lot), by the decision of the manager, an employee can get a permit for the parking of his / her car in KTU parking lots by his / her working place.
The employee’s identity cards are ordered and issued at the Human Resources Administration Office. Your direct manager will help you.
KTU employee’s identity card gives you access to KTU recreation centres, Sports and Wellness Centre, Library, etc.
• Performance evaluation and competitions of the academic employees (the lecturers and researchers of the University are evaluated under the procedure stipulated by the Guidelines for the Organisation of Performance Evaluation and Competitions for the Positions of Lecturers and Researchers approved by the Senate).
• Documents related to employment relationships
• Documents related to the remuneration
• Job descriptions and regulations of the departments
• Remote work
• Annual planning and assessment of activities (to align the individual activities and operational objectives of the employees and strategic objectives of the department and the University, the system for activity assessment is applied to KTU employees). More information on this issue can be provided by your manager.
• Equal opportunities and diversity policy
IMPORTANT! Employment documents are available here.
The remuneration of the job positions of the administrative and service personnel is related to the level of their job position that is assigned according to the description of the job position and the following criteria: education, professional experience, management level, complexity of the work, responsibility, level of decision-making and freedom of activities, working conditions, independence and creativity at work.
Fixed component – the composition of the remuneration of KTU employees, the procedure for its setting, formalising and other principles are regulated by the Regulations of the Employee Remuneration of Kaunas University of Technology.
Bonuses and premiums – bonuses and premiums can be paid to KTU employees for the works not related to the main job position and scheduled in advance in accordance with the Rector’s order “On coordination and allocation of the bonuses and premiums for the academic employees, administration and service personnel”.
The University’s employees can deepen their knowledge in conferences, practical activities and team training. The departments provide the possibilities to their development focused on the direct responsibilities of the employees. The general development programmes are organised at the level of the University.
The information on training and invitations for participation in seminars or conferences are provided in the University’s newsletter emailed to all the employees.
KTU employees have a possibility to complete traineeships abroad under the Erasmus+ programme.
EDU_Lab offers various training events that help to choose and apply the appropriate and innovative didactic methods in teaching.
More information on training and other activities of EDU_Lab is available here.
Your direct manager will help to fill in an application for the secondment in Lithuania and abroad.
An annual vacation is provided to KTU employees for a year of work beginning on the date of the employee’s employment. Your direct manager and employees of the Human Resources Management Office will help to submit an application for vacation.
If you have fallen ill or are treated at the hospital, try to notify your direct manager as soon as possible.
If needed, the certificates required by other institutions can be issued to an employee. The certificates are issued KTU Administrative building, K. Donelaičio str. 73:
– The certificates on the working time, duration of work experience, job position or annual vacation are issued at the Human Resources Administration Office.
– The certificates on the remuneration and other payments are issued at the Remuneration and Scholarship Accounting Group at the Accountancy.
– The certificates on the improvement of qualification are issued by file manager Regina Aušra Kazakevičiūtė.
– The certificates on the pedagogical work during the Doctoral Studies and the lecturer’s pedagogical work, as well as the lecturer’s pedagogical work cards are issued at the Department of Academic Affairs.
– The certificates on the significant works of experimental development, the supervision of the Doctoral students are issued at the Department of Research Affairs.
If you need a certain certificate, apply to your direct manager.
The orders of the services of halls, design and other services at the University can be made by choosing the “Order of Services” window in DVS and filling in an application. Your direct manager will help you.
The University’s employees can use a general helpdesk.
If you need help, you can fill in an inquiry online or apply to your direct manager.
Additional social benefits to the employees of KTU
Recreation centres – apply to your manager regarding the possibility to use KTU recreation centres.
Events, celebrations and traditions. The most important celebrations are September 1 (beginning of the new academic year), Christmas Celebration, Diploma Award Ceremony and Summer Festival. The employees are constantly informed about all the events via email, the information on the events is provided in the weekly newsletter.
We are big; therefore, our activities are regulated by many important documents. More information is available here.
Kaunas University of Technology organises its activities while creating an open environment where individual differences, characteristics, potential and contribution of all its staff and students are acknowledged and appreciated. Each employee and student has a right to work and study in the environment that encourages respect to everyone’s dignity.
More information is available here.
Academic departments of the University:
The organisational structure of non-academic departments is available here.
The University’s community includes all the people who work for, study at or otherwise contribute to the functioning of the University; you are a member of this community. During your work here, you can frequently hear the words like academic personnel, alumni, trade union.
The academic personnel consists of the lecturers (assistants, lecturers, associate professors, professors) and scientists (junior, senior, chief researchers) working at the faculties and science institutes. The academic personnel are responsible for the study process and research activities at the University.
The administration – employees of the University who perform the formulated tasks, implement the decisions and the University’s prepared programmes for activities, development, and performance administration. This group of personnel includes all the other employees who are not classified as academic personnel. Most of the administration and service personnel work at the Administrative building of KTU.
The personnel working with projects – part of the community of KTU that implements project activities or orders by business entities and conducts project works under the employment contracts.
Club of KTU veterans “Emeritus” is a community-based, non-political, non-profit organisation uniting the University’s educators, scientists and other employees who are of retirement age or retired.
Since the beginning of its activities in 1922, the University has had more than 130 000 graduates who are united by KTU Alumni Association. The goal of the association is to maintain relations among the former students.
Trade union of the employees – independent organisation uniting the University’s present and retired employees; the participation is voluntary.
Trade union is located at K. Donelaičio str. 73–102, tel. 8 (37) 30 06 82, 8 (698) 70 078.
The basis of the culture at each university are academic values and principles of ethics formulated according to the Magna Charta of the European Universities and the European Charter for Researchers. KTU considers the promotion and dissemination of culture to be its priority task. The Board of Academic Ethics is responsible for the supervision and implementation of academic ethics.
More information is available here.
KTU is a sustainable university integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, educating the future leaders and specialists in the area and pursuing the harmony of the people, the environment and long-term wellness.
More information is available here.