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The Code of Academic Ethics

Approved by KTU Senate Resolution No. V3-S-63 of 11 December 2024

I. General provisions

  1. The Code of Academic Ethics of Kaunas University of Technology (hereinafter – Code) establishes the main ethical standards of Kaunas University of Technology (hereinafter – University) community culture, respect, tolerance and trust-based mutual relations, transparency of operations and academic integrity.
  2. The Code is prepared according to the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Statute of Kaunas University of Technology, the Law on Higher Education and Research of the Republic of Lithuania and other legislation in force in the Republic of Lithuania and general principles of law.
  3. The objective of the Code is to establish norms of ethical academic conduct and promote a shared understanding of the content of the principles of academic ethics among all members of the University community.
  4. The tasks of the Code:
    1. To protect the needs and interests of the members of the University community, to align the behaviour of individual community members and the University with the values of society and the principles of academic ethics;
    2. To be the main instrument for ensuring academic ethics at the University;
    3. To maintain high professional and ethical standards among members of the University community;
    4. To encourage and assist members of the University community to become aware of their social responsibility towards the state, society, community and individuals;
    5. To promote freedom of research, teaching and learning and promote a positive image of the University in society;
    6. To build and strengthen the reputation of the University and strengthen the loyalty of the community to it;
    7. To ensure transparency in the activities of the University community;
    8.  To establish disciplinary measures for violation of the norms of the Code;
  5. Concepts related to academic ethics:
    1. The University community is a community consisting of the academic community, the administration and other non-academic employees. The academic community consists of students, teachers, researchers, other researchers and emeritus professors.
    2. Academic ethics means moral values recognised and adhered to by the University community.
    3. Violation of academic ethics is an act or attempted act that violates academic integrity and may lead to an unfair academic advantage or harm to a member of the University community or society.
    4. Academic integrity is adherence to ethical and professional principles, standards and practices and a consistent value system for making and acting on decisions in teaching, research and studies.
    5. Negligence is a lack of compliance with a standard of civil liability that causes harm to an individual or organisation.
    6. Responsibility is the duty to act honestly.
    7. Falsification of data is an unjustified manipulation of research data to create a misleading impression.
    8. The University Board of Academic Ethics is a body approved by the University Senate that promotes academic ethics literacy in the University community and considers the violations related to academic ethics.
    9. Intellectual property is the legally recognised ownership of the results of mental work.
    10.  Conflict of interest is a situation in which financial or personal obligations or other circumstances create a presumption of unreasonable decision or compromise objectivity.
    11. Corruption is an abuse of entrusted power for personal gain.
    12. Mobbing is any and all forms of abusive, insulting or any repeated behaviour of an abusive nature directed against an individual employee(s) which undermines the employee’s professional, material and social or psychological well-being, affects mental or physical health, reputation, or reduces the employee’s productivity.
    13. Scientific fraud is a deliberate deception in research by violating its ethics.
    14. Moral values are the entirety of principles used by individuals or groups to distinguish between good and bad behaviour.
    15. Unethical authorship is the inclusion of a person who has not contributed to the research as an author as a co-author; the exclusion of a person who has contributed to the research as a co-author; unjustified and inappropriate change in the order of authorship; the removal of contributors to the research and/or preparation of a manuscript from subsequent publications by using the power of a person who is undeservingly included as a co-author of those publications; and the inclusion of a person as a co-author without his/her consent.
    16. Nepotism is a form favouritism, the relationship between acquaintances and family members, whereby a person in an official position uses his/her power and authority to obtain an exemption for a family member or friend, even though he/she lacks proper qualifications or is undeserving.
    17. Respect is a consideration of the dignity and physical and psychological well-being of others.
    18. Impartiality in research means independence and impartiality while conducting research and communicating with other stakeholders.
    19. Trust is the principle whereby all participants of education and research can rely on each other’s integrity, fairness and honesty.
    20. Plagiarism is presenting work produced by other authors as one’s own without proper acknowledgement of the used sources.
    21. Report is submitting about negligence or malpractice by the organisation (or its partners) which threatens individuals, standards, quality, integrity or reputation and which is disclosed by an internal or external person who is defending the public interest.
    22. Principles is the entirety of values and a shared understanding of the preferred behaviour.
    23. Protectionism is a form of favouritism whereby a person is chosen for advantage or retains his/her position because of affiliation or association, regardless of his/her qualifications or the awarded titles, degrees, etc.
    24. Transparency is the openness and commitment to full, clear, accurate, timely and honest disclosure of activities and related decisions affecting academic society and society.
    25. Fraud is cheating aiming to gain an advantage by means that violate integrity values.
    26. Justice is the assessment criterion based on the moral categories of goodness, equality, humanity, sensibility, fairness, etc.
    27. Other terms used in the Code are understood as defined in the Law on Higher Education and Research of the Republic of Lithuania, other legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and the University.
  6. The University personnel involved in research, academic and administrative activities must comply with the Code.
  7. The University recognises the declarations and provisions of the Great Charter of European Universities and the European Charter for Researchers, the European Education Area and the European Research Area, and promotes and respects competence, professionalism, initiative, diligence, and responsibility.