Valdas Adamkus

Valdas Adamkus (Lithuania) is a former President of the Republic of Lithuania (1998–2003 and 2004–2009), ecologist, engineer, renowned society figure.

Since 1972, Adamkus has visited Lithuania once or several times each year. He promoted and supported the construction of water treatment plants, development of environmental monitoring; he helped the environmental institutions of the Baltic Region to acquire scientific literature, equipment and software. As the coordinator of the USA environmental support for the Baltic Region, he organised traineeships of the Lithuanian research institutions in the USA.

The title of Honorary Doctor was awarded for the following merits to the University:

  • At the initiative of Adamkus KTU graduates completed traineeships in the USA, where they expanded their knowledge in environmental science and practices.
  • Thanks to his attempts KTU Department of Engineering Ecology received the scientific research reports of the USA Environmental Agencies, the abstracts of scientific journals and other literature.
  • The President supported the initiative of KTU Institute of Environmental Engineering to start publishing the scientific journal “Environmental Research, Engineering and Management”. He is the member of this journal’s editorial board.
  • After becoming the President, V. Adamkus visited the University, participated in the round table discussion, and had a meeting with the students of Kaunas city in KTU Aula.
  • Adamkus had established Valdas Adamkus Prize. 600 USA dollars (550 EUR) were awarded to the best KTU Doctoral or Master’s student of the year, and 400 USA dollars (370 EUR) – to the student developing or studying the nature-friendly technologies.
Valdas Adamkus