Horst-Günter Rubahn

Horst-Günter Rubahn (Denmark) is a professor, doctor of science, specialist of micro and nano technologies, Head of the Sondeborg Division of the University of Southern Denmark and Mads Clausen Institute, member of the Danish Natural Sciences Academy.

Areas of scientific research: constructions of organic nano structures, nano technologies, science of surfaces and coating, optics and photonics, micro fluids.

Merits to the University:

  • Close cooperation with the scientists of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MGMF) and the Institute of Materials Science (MMI)
  • Provided knowledge and supervised projects that contributed to the development of the clean room technologies at KTU Santaka Valley and to the integration in the scientific research arena of the Baltic Region
  • Professor’s initiative to prepare 2 joint 7BP applications in cooperation with KTU scientists; the applications combine the scientific teams of Denmark, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Finland and Lithuania and develop scientific research in the area of micro and nano technologies
  • Assistance in preparation and supervision of joint projects of various research foundations in cooperation with KTU scientists: NEXUS, NordForsk, “EUBSR Seed money facility”

Title of Honorary Doctor is awarded for its long-standing partnership for the development of micro- and nanotechnologies in the physical sciences and technology, and for its important contribution to fostering the potential of young scientists.