For Researchers

Requirements for participants of the process of doctoral studies

Members of the doctoral committee can be the scientists, who work (a job position taken under procedure of competition) for the institutions that hold a right to doctoral studies and foreign scientists, who participate under the contracts on activities of joint doctoral studies with foreign research and educational institutions. At least half of the doctoral committee’s members and its chairman have to meet at least minimum qualification requirements for the persons who aim to take a position of a chief researcher, established in the Description of Minimum Qualification Requirements for Job Positions of Researchers of Research and Education Institutions, approved by the decision of the chairman of the Lithuanian Research Council No.  VII-71 “On Approval of the Description of Minimum Qualification Requirements for Job Positions of Researchers of Research and Education Institutions” of 16 May 2011 (hereinafter – Minimum Qualification Requirements). The remaining members of the Committee have to meet at least the established minimal qualification requirements for the persons who aim to take a position of a senior researcher.

Supervisors and consultants of doctoral students  can be the scientists, who during the last five years have published at least 3 scientific articles in the international scientific publications with impact factor in “Clarivate Analytics Web of Science” (hereinafter – “CA WoS”) (in the areas of humanities, social, physical sciences and technologies)  and/or “Scopus” (in the areas of humanities and social sciences) databases and at least 1 scientific article in the international scientific publication with impact factor in “CA WoS” (in the areas of humanities, social, physical sciences and technologies)  and/or “Scopus” (in the areas of humanities and social sciences) databases, and a science monograph.

Members of the defence board can be the scientists, who have published at least five scientific works in the last five years: monographs or book chapters, published by internationally recognized publishers; scientific articles in the journals with impact factor in “Clarivate Analytics Web of Science” (“CA WoS”) (in the areas of humanities, social, physical sciences and technologies) and/or “Scopus” (in the areas of humanities and social sciences) databases.